5 Ways to reduce your exposure to EMFs


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Could EMF exposure be affecting your health?

Technology and electronics including mobile devices, computers, TV’s and many or devices are exposing you to Electromagnetic Frequencies that could be impacting your energy and your health. Learn how EMF exposure effects you and how you can reduce it while still enjoying the benefits of technology at home.

Here are 5 ways to reduce EMF exposure today:

  1. Turn off WiFi routers when not in use and before going to bed

    Turning off your WiFi can significantly reduce EMF exposure! Nearly the entire population with WiFi leave it on throughout the day and night which can impact your overall health. Remember to always turn off WiFi when not in use and before going to bed. Connect your WI-FI to a switch so you can turn it off at night and when you do not need it during the day. This helps to lower the exposure in your home environment and get a better night's sleep.

  2. Switch to Airplane Mode

    Switching your mobile phone and electronic devices on Airplane Mode is one of the quickest ways to reduce EMF exposure. This is especially important since we typically have our devises close to our body. It is best to turn off the wireless signal so it is not being emitted all night long close to your brain. If you carry your phone on you but are not actively using it, just put it on airplane mode. Electromagnetic Frequencies constantly send signals to and from your phone to locate nearby cell phone towers and WiFi routers.

  3. EMF Blocking Protection

    While many companies are emerging to produce EMF blocking technology, it’s still very new and can be very difficult to find the best EMF block protection. Click here to see which ones perform best. Our Bio-Techs can help you choose the right gear and protection to keep you safe from EMF exposure whether it be your phone, desktop or laptop computer.

  4. Proper Grounding

    You may have heard about grounding as it is a big subject in our modern world. Studies have revealed some astounding evidence where many homes are not properly grounded. While 98% of people live in a home, many homes are not properly grounded leaving you helpless to know how safe your home is to live in. There are many ways to find EMF leaks and getting a qualified Bio-Technician to test your home for proper grounding can help you if you happen to be exposed to EMF for long periods of time. Leaving your phone and electronic devices at home or at the office and going outside for a walk can give you a real boost. Studies show that most people don’t go outside for more than 30 minutes a day. A majority of them never go out without carrying along an electronic device such as a phone or laptop. While going outside is imperative to your health, leaving your electronics at home or at the office can give you a real boost that your body needs for optimal health and feeling your best.

  5. Test Your Home

    EMF’s are invisible meaning that most people don’t know how much EMF exposure is being radiated from and around their home and work environments. Getting a qualified Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist that uses industry approved tools to test your home can help locate where Electromagnetic Frequencies are highest in your environment. Test My Home technicians will test and reveal EMF levels and ways to reduce and even eliminate them from your surroundings.