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How Do You Measure EMF Yourself?

Do you know EMF is a reality, and measuring it yourself is the only way to protect your health? The effects of EMF are more than just annoying. They can be dangerous as well. EMF can cause headaches, nausea, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, stress, and many other ailments that people will never understand. Are you one of them?

Before we go any further, let me ask you a question. If you have ever felt stressed at work or worried about bills and such, you probably have EMF that you are measuring. So, if you are one of those people who have always lived and thought in black and white, have you ever asked yourself, "How do I measure EMF?" If the answer is no, you are not alone.

When you use a cell phone, the electromagnetic fields created by the telephone are absorbed. This is done without you even knowing. However, there is one piece of information you need to know. The cell phone electromagnetic fields are measured with something called an emf meter.

An emf meter works on a base that consists of a generator that creates an electromagnetic field and a computer that keeps track of the changes in this field. When a cell phone user makes a call, data is sent to the computer, and an image is generated of the phone user's head. Every few seconds, the computer checks the current of the electrical flow through the body and the strength of the electromagnetic fields emitted by the cell phone. If the readings on the laptop consistently rise, then the cell phone user is being exposed to EMF.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if EMF increases, so do the number of people exposed to it. What can you do to protect yourself? There are many products on the market to help you protect yourself from electromagnetic fields from cell phones and their radiation. One of the best is called Cell Phone Power Enhancer. There are several different types to choose from.

You can purchase these online or at your local electronics store. I have personally used them, and they work very well. How do you measure EMF yourself? By removing your cell phone from your line when you are not in contact with it, you will significantly reduce the number of electromagnetic fields exposed. This is one of the easiest things you can do to reduce your exposure to EMF.