What Is Air Quality Testing? — Test My Home

What Is Air Quality Testing?

Monitoring air quality inside and outside the house is crucial to protecting public health and the environment. An establishment's indoor air quality may need to be assessed for several reasons. As long as you hire a professional firm specializing in air quality testing, it's not hard to test the purity of indoor air. Your employees' health can be affected by a lack of pure air, resulting in reduced productivity or lost work hours. Thus, periodic testing services for indoor air quality should be invested in.

Air Quality Monitoring Services

Test My House has been providing services to companies for years and using the latest technology to ensure you'll get the perfect service for measuring the quality of your environment. The Company is the premier air quality monitoring provider to small and large businesses, with specialists in all fields. Parameters monitored include simple parameters such as air quality to complex ones like VOCs and RSPMs.

By providing Air Testing, we offer a systematic and proven process that includes:

  • We can collect air samples right at the scene.

  • Battery-operated instruments that allow you to measure reach air quality parameters, like Temperature, Humidity, and Wind direction.

  • We are monitoring human exposure to hazardous pollutants.

  • The collected air sample will allow you to measure the number of harmful gases in the air accurately.

  • Our filtration systems can help you provide solutions to further improve the air quality in your Company.

Why Is It Important To Monitor And Test Air Quality?

An important part of monitoring and testing air quality is understanding weather conditions' impact on pollutant emissions. Because weather varies greatly worldwide, monitoring air pollution is not adequate for understanding air quality. Furthermore, air pollution is difficult to assess because of the complexity of its pollutants and their consequences on buildings and roads. 

Air emissions monitoring can supply data on pollutant quantities and types, which may then be analyzed and interpreted. This data may be used to plan future actions. As a result of this information, we can determine which areas of the country are more toxic, which pollutant types are rising because of industrial pollution and traffic, and which regions are more polluted. It can also assist us in identifying which locations are more polluted.

The Procedure For Monitoring Or Testing The Quality Of Air

The quantity and quality of data collected prior to undertaking air quality monitoring or air testing on-site depending on the source/emission, health, demographical, meteorological, topographical, and previous air quality monitoring information. It's possible to determine whether to expand or reduce monitoring locations based on previous data. 

Pollution is measured at companies, industrial zones, and other locations. It's recommended to carry out Air Pollution Testing programs every year in order to get an average sampling of pollutants, as they behave in every season differently. Air emissions should be measured every 24 hours for a year, which is two times a week.

Are you looking for a place to perform air quality testing near you? Contact Test My Home now!
