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What is an EMF Test?

An EMF test is a way to measure the amount of energy emitted from a person's cell phone, laptop computer, or another type of electrical device. This particular type of testing is done by attaching a device such as a metal plate or a piece of the reflective foil to the unit and then placing it close to the subject. The object is then connected to a computer using a USB cable. Once the device is connected, the user is instructed to place his hands just above or near the metal plate and make a slight tapping motion with his hands. The tapping motion simulates what a cell phone might do when in contact with a metal object such as a microwave oven. The test tries to ascertain the energy emitted by the electrical device and how the human body absorbs that motion.

One of the first tests conducted on this was an Air Force Research scientist by the name of microwear. He created a microwave oven device that could be used to duplicate the same motion that the microwave oven would use. He made a tin foil that was the same thickness as a typical hamburger and placed it inside a microwave oven. When this was in the range, the subject placed his hands near the foil and made the tapping motion to judge how much energy the microwave oven was absorbing.

Much has changed since microwear first came on the scene. Now microwave ovens come in a variety of sizes, and there are many different types of them. The so-called "Passive Cool" varieties are more than capable of cooling a room if adequately operated, which is also available in the radio waves type, which is more efficient at cooling than excellent passive varieties.

Some microwave ovens will use a combination of radio waves and heat to cool a room successfully. The aluminum foil was used as a medium to reflect the microwaves to the device from the far side or above it. The reflected energy was then measured and analyzed by the scientist. The data from the measurement was then fed into a computer that would determine exactly what the strength of the radio waves was when the foil was placed in the microwave oven. What is more is that with the aid of the computer, the exact direction and angle the aluminum foil was placed in was determined.

After the necessary measurements had been taken, the computer-generated a graph that would show exactly what the strength of the energy was at various points throughout the range of the room's temperature. What is more, is that this graph would show the location of the aluminum foil. With these results, the scientist was then able to determine the exact location of the energy source and how it affected the human body. The conclusion was that the aluminum foil was emitting something similar to microwave radiation, causing what is known as "EMF'ing. These emissions from EMF are considered to be some of the strongest in the entire world.

What is an EMF test? Well, if you have one, then you have made a step toward protecting yourself from the dangers of the so-called "EMFs." The reason behind why there is such a necessity to conduct such tests is because the government has recognized the harmful effects that the various electromagnetic frequencies have on the human body. If the human body is exposed to electromagnetic frequencies for an extended period, serious health issues can arise. In addition, if the person is constantly exposed to EMF, they could suffer from what is called an " EMF depression." This can result in significant complications that can only be resolved by proper testing.