What Is Indoor Air Quality?

Indoor air quality is the condition of the air inside and around indoor structures and buildings. IAQ is said to affect the physical health, comfort, morale, and general well-being of individual building occupants. Poor indoor air quality is associated with increased sick building syndrome, decreased productivity, and lower learning in school. Indoor air pollutants are believed to be the cause of the increased incidence of asthma in buildings.

Many indoor pollutants can make one sick when inhaling them or living in a house that is full of these pollutants. Some of these pollutants are mentioned below: Carbon Monoxide, Particulates, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and Nitrous Oxides (NOCs). These four are commonly found in residential spaces. All these may cause or trigger a variety of ailments or symptoms that may be serious or relatively mild.

To keep one healthy and capable, one should consider what Indoor Air Quality is and how it affects them daily. Indoor Air Quality is defined as the air present within and around a home or other structure. The term Indoor Air Quality is often used in conjunction with a Building Survey Result. As soon as the indoor air quality is found to be unhealthy, it needs to be thoroughly analyzed for the various pollutants that may be lurking inside and on its ceiling, walls, floors, fittings, windows, furniture, appliances, etc.

This is based on the premise that indoor air quality and humidity are commonly related. Studies have also shown that poor indoor air quality and humidity are associated with increased risks of various diseases, such as allergies, asthma, rhinitis, pneumonia, and even certain cancers. While the exact mechanisms are not known, several factors determine the presence of pollutants inside a space. These factors include:

Low levels of ventilation are often the reason behind poor indoor air quality and humidity. Excessive water or sewage spills can also contribute to poor Indoor Air Quality and humidity levels in a space. For instance, moist carpets and mattresses collect dust and dirt, which often leads to allergic reactions, asthma, and other respiratory problems, when dust and dirt settle on your skin.

What Is Indoor Air Quality and Its Effects? When breathing in polluted air, your body will absorb harmful chemicals present in smoke and toxic fumes. Additionally, prolonged exposure to indoor air pollution can cause lung cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. It is for these reasons why many people install Indoor Air Purifiers in their homes.