What Is Radon Testing, and How Do I Know If There is Any Testing Available?

It is a process used to measure the concentration of Radon gas in a home or building. Radon is a radioactive gas that is created as the result of the decay of uranium and Radium. It has been linked to lung cancer and other health problems. To protect yourself and your family from the dangers of Radon, you must test your home's soil and air regularly.

If you currently have an active radon test in your home, you should have one done annually. This will ensure that you are within safe limits of Radon in your home. If you were newly built, then the owner is responsible for having a Radon test performed. The level of Radon present in your home is determined through an evaluation by certified Radon specialists.

When you go for a Radon test, a soil sample is usually taken, and then the air samples are accepted. Both models are placed in small plastic bags, and then the pieces are returned to the lab. In the past, the technician would drive by your house and determine how high the levels of Radon were by measuring the Radon gas levels in the air. However, modern testing requires that the samples be attached to the outside of your home. Once the levels of Radon in your home are measured, the technician will then write a report of the findings on the Radon test results card.

Unfortunately, the answer is no. The presence of Radon in your home is only a sure indicator if there is existing Radon in your home. Therefore, you cannot efficiently conduct a Radon test without running a complete indoor air quality (IAQ) test. However, the Radon testing kit is the best way to find out whether there are dangerous radon levels present in your home.

The amount of Radon that can be contained within a single residence is about two picocuries per liter. Thus, if your Radon testing indicates that there is even a slight level of radon present in your home, it is highly recommended that you have a radon test performed. The stories of Radon generally increase with time, which means that over time, a significant amount of Radon can build up in the atmosphere of your home.

Currently, there is no recommended local source for testing kits. However, you may be able to buy a Radon Reduction Kit from a reputable home improvement store. The kits sold online typically do not include all of the necessary materials to perform the test. Therefore, it is essential to make sure that you purchase all of the materials needed to complete the examination before buying any Radon Reduction Kits.