Radon Testing Lehi, UT | Test My Home

Radon is a dangerous gas that can cause cancer. It comes from the breakdown of uranium in soil, rock, and water; it usually enters buildings through cracks or holes in floors or walls. Radon testing involves placing detectors around homes to measure radon levels over time (usually two months). If elevated radon concentrations are found at your home, further investigation will be recommended for any possible remedies such as sealing foundation cavities with concrete sealers; venting crawl spaces by removing dirt piles where soils protrude into space under building slab foundations; improving airflow between living areas and attached garages/crawlspaces by weatherstripping doors, so they fit tightly against floor edges''; installing new storm windows on exterior openings near ground level if gaps exist.

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can be found in the environment. Radon has been linked with lung cancer due to its ability to damage cells and cause mutations, changes in the DNA structure of living things. This means radon must not only be detected but also mitigated or obliterated before it causes any harm to your health or property value.

Radon is a colorless, odorless gas that forms during the natural decay of uranium in soil and rock. While radon evaporates quickly when it's outside air, homes can trap this radioactive gas inside where you cannot see or smell it yet maybe breathing unhealthy levels of exposure to radiation if not tested for its presence by trained professionals every year. If you are concerned about your health or have noticed an increase in respiratory problems around your home, then call us today so our technicians can help protect everyone from long-term damage caused by harmful concentrations of radon indoors!

Why is Radon Inspection important?

Radon gas is naturally occurring on the Earth. Radon can cause problems when it gets trapped inside structures like houses or office buildings, where there are no means for allowing the gases to escape outdoors. This results in high levels of exposure and causes health issues such as lung cancer among people living within these areas over some time due to prolonged exposure with radon particles to present around them, which they inhale, causing great harm to their respiratory tracts, often resulting times in death too!

Radon inspection involves measuring how much hazardous radon exists at any given place using specialized equipment before taking measures against it so that long-term effects from its presence may be avoided altogether by adhering strictly to safety guidelines provided through state law's uniform building code. Radon is a radioactive gas that you can't see, smell, or taste. It'sIt's dangerous because it has been linked to cancers such as lung cancer and leukemia. Most homes have some radon in them, but if your home gets tested and the results come back high, there are things we can do about it!

Why Schedule Radon Testing?

Radons are gases that occur naturally but are highly harmful because their presence within houses increases the risks of one having lung-cancer diseases later on in life if there is repeated inhalation without proper precautions taking place at times during the breathing process. Home inspections involve checking whether houses have these gases inside by conducting tests at regular intervals and making sure homeowners stay safe from all of it.

When buying a new home, it may be worth having the house inspected for radon. This is because this gas can cause cancer if left unchecked, and many people don't know about its presence in their homes until after they have lived there for some time or experienced illness related to breathing the air inside of their houses. Anyone looking at purchasing an older property should look into testing whether or not there are high levels of radon present as well before taking on any renovations that could reveal higher concentrations than were initially expected by simply viewing parts of the exterior structure used when determining what kind of building permits will need to be applied towards making changes once moving day comes around. Contact us now.