The importance of a healthy home cannot be understated. In fact, it's crucial for the general well-being and productivity in our communities as they contribute to lowering healthcare costs through prevention programs that promote physical activity among members who live together while also providing comfort during times when someone experiences illness or injury by encouraging self-care behaviors. We at Test My Home can help you reach a healthy living home for you and your family's safety.

Healthy Home Assessment Boise is a program that will help you and your family live healthier! It includes home assessments, lead safety inspections for children of all ages, and health education classes on topics such as choking hazards in the home. Healthy homes are inspected before they're sold as part of our commitment toward ensuring high-quality products within all stages - from research through post-sales support services like maintenance agreements or emergency response plans. Inspection reports also include suggestions that may reduce wear & tear resulting from use habits such as routine cleaning duties; making sure bedrooms get comfortable temperatures during winter months.

If you are looking to improve your home's energy efficiency, then the Healthy Home Assessment is just what you need. We'll help guide and estimate costs for an entire system that will be tailored specifically with each customer in mind- from A/C units all of way up through lighting fixtures.

Your home is more than just a place to live. It's your safe space--a refuge from the world outside, where you can be yourself without any distractions or worries about what other people think of how things are in here. But if this sacred habitat isn't maintained well enough? Well then, its value plummets drastically, becoming less attractive not only for renters but also buyers! And with that decrease comes an increased risk factor when it comes time to sell off ownership rights (let alone getting out).


EMF testing and mitigation

EMF testing and mitigation is the process of manually reducing exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). It's essential for your health, safety as well as that of others around you. EMF testing is a method for determining the level of electromagnetic fields in your home. A device that tests for this kind of radiation can help you determine what areas need additional shielding or protection, so it's essential to take one when moving into a new property. EMF testing and mitigation reduce the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that we are constantly exposed to. EMFs can be found in most homes around wirelessly connected devices such as microwaves, routers, or even computers on standby mode with a screen showing light from time to time - this all adds up.

Mold Testing And Inspection

Mold testing and inspection is the process of checking for mold in a building. Molds can cause many different health problems, so they must be detected before any harmful effects happen. Mold tests and inspections are a way to determine the health of your home's air quality. The results from these checks can help identify any existing problems, such as mold growth in different areas or allergens that may be present at elevated levels due to carpeting being exposed for long periods without cleaning.

Mold Testing is also used by landlords when they want assurance there won't be costly litigation costs if their tenant has allergies. We know what our lungs were explicitly designed so we could breathe outside every day, even on cold winters mornings.

Indoor Air Quality TESTING

Indoor air quality testing measures the concentration of various harmful particles that may be found in commercial buildings. These can include mold, bacteria, or even asbestos and will ultimately depend heavily on your needs as an employer to determine what type you want for yourself.

A good air quality test will show how healthy your home's environment is. It can measure particulate matter, toxic substances, and more to give you a complete evaluation of the indoor climate in which you spend the most time each day- whether that be at work or relaxing with friends and family members.


Radon Testing

Radon testing is the process of finding out if your home has high levels of radon gas. Radons are absorbed through soil, rock, or concrete into buildings and can cause lung cancer when inhaled over an extended period; it's severe business. All new construction should be tested for this contaminant before they start living in their house because older homes may already contain enough to make someone sick. The testing process for radon gas starts with collecting samples of the air in your home. This allows us to measure how much there is, what concentrations are present and when they occurred.

Sound & Vibration Testing

Sound and vibration testing are integral to the production process. It's often used for product design and quality assurance in manufacturing plants or other industries where sound can cause disruptive vibrations that would otherwise make your workdays much more difficult. Sound and vibration testing is a branch of engineering that measures the effect sound waves have on structures. It's used for things like finding out how well something will withstand sonic vibrations, which can result from an earthquake or other force majeure event.

Toxic Chemicals Testing

What's toxic chemicals testing, and why should you care? Toxic Chemicals Testing is a process that checks your home for dangerous chemicals. It has been proven to be an effective way of protecting those who live in homes with children or elderly residents and people without access to safe water sources like farmworkers (or even want it done!). Toxic Chemicals Testing is a process of testing for toxic chemicals in water sources. From shampoos and cosmetics to pesticides, many people are suspicious about the impact these items could have on their health from commercial products or even residential housing with lead pipes running through them. The EPA recommends that any home worth having needs an annual plumbing inspection by an experienced plumber certified through NAHA (National Association Of Home Builders). In order often expensive remediation projects before they become essential which can cost homeowners thousands upon tens of thousand dollars if not prevented beforehand.


Water Quality Testing

Water quality testing is essential for maintaining the water you spend so much time and money on. When it's done right, this process can help protect your family from harmful contaminants like lead leaching out with every flush.

A thorough analysis looks at samples taken both before sending them off for lab results and during transport if needed; these give researchers critical insight into what might be wrong at the source before anything else happens or even occurs upstream (and saves everyone some trouble). The most important thing to know about this process is that it tests for bacteria, leading to contamination. If you do not have an advanced filtration system in place or multiple sources of potential pollution within your home's plumbing system, then make sure they are tested regularly by a qualified professional.