Every home has unique needs. A Healthy Home Assessment will help you get the most out of your property, whether that’s reducing energy costs or boosting mental well-being. It is a great way to make your home feel like it was always meant for you and get on the right path with healthy living. A comprehensive health assessment will provide information about what’s going inside our homes that might not have been clear before - from structural issues such as drafts or humidity levels in dry air syndrome symptoms caused by lack of airflow through buildings all four seasons’ need access both winter warmth outside when its coldest but also cooling breezes off ocean water at nightfall heat cycles throughout summer so we can sleep comfortably without being too hot/stuffy.

The importance of having an environment free from germs and allergens can't be overstated. You're exposing your family members to the risk of respiratory problems when they come in contact with these pathogens; even one virus could make you sick. So why not avoid this problem by making sure all surfaces are pristine at any given time, from floors mats, dishes, etc., with particular attention paid towards places where food preparation takes place like counters or cutting boards? That's why we at Test My Home are here to help you out.


EMF testing and mitigation

EMF (electromagnetic field) testing determines what type and strength an electromagnetic frequency pose. Their power per second can categorize EMFs in units called microwatts or milliwatts, with higher authorities having more health risks to humans that are exposed over time. Mitigation techniques for reducing exposure include shielding yourself from these fields using conductive items like metal sheets inside your home’s walls - this works best when done before installing any new wiring.

Maintaining the health of your home starts with identifying any potential sources that could be harming you or those around you. There are many ways to go about it, such as running an electricity meter test on both sides (the customer’s side should also have one).

Mold Testing / Inspection

Mold testing and inspection is the process of checking for mold in a property.

A professional can perform this service, as it may be necessary to take action if there are too many molds present on your property, such as removing them or cleaning up any affected areas before they cause more harm like respiratory problems due to airway irritants causing shortness of breath (the most common). Mold is a fungus that grows in very damp environments, which can lead to industrial accidents. Mold Testing / Inspection helps you find out if there are any hidden mold problems and what kind they might be so we don’t have any surprises when it comes time for repairs or renovations.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality testing is an essential tool in determining how well your home’s ventilation system works. This can help you avoid the risks of indoor allergies and respiratory illnesses that are all too common today when people live with poor ventilation, like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). While this may sound scary at first glance, it doesn’t need to be! Indoor Air Quality Testing applies only low doses - meaning tiny quantities - directly into one room without disrupting anything else before taking samples for analysis outside on real-world surfaces nearby such as carpets, tiles, floorings, etc.

Indoor air quality testing is a way to investigate the chemical composition of indoor environments. The tests can be used as an early warning system for allergies and respiratory problems and detect harmful chemicals in your home’s atmosphere before they become hazardous levels that may cause illness or discomfort over time.


Radon Testing

Radon testing is a necessary tool to have in your home if you live on the eastern side of North America. It can detect leaks before they cause serious problems, such as lung cancer or headaches for those sensitive to radon gas particles migrating from below their floorboards into living spaces where it counts most: bedrooms and bathroom stalls.

Radon testing is a routine procedure that checks for the presence of radon gas in your home. The test will use bubbles, creams, and pads to determine how much exposure you have had over time based on leaks around windowsills or doorways leading out into public spaces like crawlspaces without walls separating them from other homes (and thus allowing any hazardous levels inside). If these areas show up green, then it means they’re extremely dangerous - meaning someone living there could die if not relocated relatively quickly.

Sound & Vibration

Sound and vibration testing are used to ensure that products function as designed. Vibration tests evaluate how well an object absorbs sound waves, while noise measurements determine its level at various frequencies or sounds with different volumes mixed for testers to listen objectively without being influenced by personal preference, opinion, etc.

Sound and vibration testing are used for product design. As the name suggests, the goal of this process is to make sure that all aspects work together in harmony by measuring sound output levels or force feedback from motors using accelerometers (or something like them).

Toxic Chemicals

Toxic Chemicals Testing is a way of finding out if you’re exposed to harmful chemicals that have caused any long-term damage. These tests can be done on blood, urine, or breath at home with little cost and the minimal risk involved for people who think these toxins may have poisoned them to get an answer as quickly.

Not all chemicals are created equal. Some can be dangerous and even deadly in small doses, while others may not cause any adverse effects at all. However, we know one thing for sure: if a chemical has been found on our Toxic Chemicals Testing list, it’s best avoided like the plague!


Water Quality

Maintaining the health of your home starts with identifying any potential sources that could be harming you or those around you. There are many ways to go about it, such as running an electricity meter test on both sides (the customer’s side should also have one). We need to investigate if this doesn’t show anything out-of-place; however, sometimes, these simple tests can uncover issues. Before ruling something impossible, make sure all other avenues were explored first.

Indoor air quality testing is a way to investigate the chemical composition of indoor environments. The tests can be used as an early warning system for allergies and respiratory problems and detect harmful chemicals in your home’s atmosphere before they become hazardous levels that may cause illness or discomfort over time.