Home assessments are an inventory of your home based on many different aspects. The goal of the assessment is to determine the value of the property and whether it is under-priced or over-priced. One of the most important aspects of a home valuation is determining how much current construction wear and tear the home has. If the home still has substantial construction wear and tear despite being renovated in the last few years, then it's probably a good idea to consider selling the house. 

A Healthy Home Assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of your home's interior and exterior to ensure that it meets current building codes. The assessor will make recommendations for maintenance or repairs, allowing homeowners to take ownership of their property to reduce responsibilities on themselves.

A healthy home assessment procedure involves an expert conducting thorough examination into all aspects, including layout design, structural integrity/composition (including walls), ventilation circulation systems plumbing installations, electrical service interruptions, fire protection safety equipment storage space coordination energy efficiency features ensuring compliance with minimum standards set out by local governments as well international ones when applicable.

A healthy home is important for the safety and well-being of everyone in it.  It keeps you safe from germs, allergies, toxic chemicals that can cause cancer or Reproductive harm when inhaled over time so your family is happy. That’s why we at Test My Home are here to help you out.


EMF testing and mitigation

EMF testing is an integral part of the solution. It ensures that you are protecting yourself and your family members and pets as well, with proper screening for electromagnetic fields (EMFs). EMF (electromagnetic field) testing and mitigation is the process of determining which device or items in your home emit EMFs. This can help reduce exposure by providing information for safe handling, storage, use, etc., and identifying potential problems before they become serious health concerns such as cancer risks from radiation emissions generated in a microwave oven.

EMF testing and mitigation is essential because it helps to reduce the amount of radiation that enters your body. The best way for you, as well as those close enough with whom you share this space-time continuum (home/office), is maybe if we all moved away from sources emitting these harmful frequencies into an area without dangerous EMFs!

Mold Testing / Inspection

Mold can have a severe impact on your health. Mold testing /inspection will help you avoid the financial and physical costs of having to deal with an infestation in your home or workplace, so it's worth doing.

Mold can grow anywhere, even if there's no visible sign that says "get out now!" You may think this doesn't apply to your home or business, but the truth of the matter is: all buildings have some moisture problem at least once during their lifetime. This means they will eventually need maintenance work done on them - whether it's cleaning up an area or taking apart certain parts, so things don't fall through anymore. Additionally, we spend a lot more time indoors these days, which makes us vulnerable since chemicals are used in furniture polish.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality testing is essential to ensure that your home's indoor environment remains comfortable and safe for you, as well as those who may visit. It can help identify potential problems with the building's HVAC system or other pollution sources such as furniture manufacturing plants that release volatile organic compounds (VOC). This helps make sure all members of our family have a healthy place they belong in.

Indoor air quality is something we all need to be aware of. Even if you don't have any respiratory problems, the environment can affect your health and wellness in ways that aren't always obvious- like changing how well allergies work, for example.


Radon Testing

Radiocesium, which can cause lung cancer if it's inhaled. Radon panels test for the presence of this harmful gas and provide an accurate estimate on whether or not your home needs mitigation work done to protect against potential health risks from excessive levels present in some environments. (1) More than 3 million people die each year due to their homes being unirradiated enough where they may breathe them regularly without issue.

Radon testing is an integral part of your home's heating and cooling system. It determines if any flaws in the pipe, wall joint, or slab could lead to a potential problem with breathing air quality-hazardous radon gas into one's home each year*. If you want peace of mind knowing how well protected against this potentially hazardous substance we all should be, getting tested can help provide what we're looking for.

Sound & Vibration

Vibration testing is often used in the production of many different products. The input tone should be professional, and try not to use any jargon while including all relevant details about this process for readers who might benefit from it.

There are several reasons why sound and vibration tests can be helpful. For instance, they help to determine if there's anything wrong with your vehicle that may have been missed by other types of inspection techniques, such as an oil change or tire rotation for one. Though these should still occur at specific intervals depending on the manufacturer's recommendations since neglecting them could lead to engine damage from excessive wear, ultimately costing more in repairs down the line than just getting this done sooner rather than later.

Toxic Chemicals

Some people may be concerned about the chemicals in their water. Water is a basic need for everyone, but what if that drinking source contains harmful or toxic materials that cannot easily be identified? You could end up with a variety of health problems and other issues such as congenital disabilities and early onset aging because these types of toxins do not discriminate between one individual's body cells over another's - they affect every single cell, even those far away from ground zero.

Toxic chemicals testing identifies any poisonous materials in the air, soil, or water. The goal for this research conducted by scientists comes from two places:

  1. They need to know what we're breathing and drinking so that society can make informed decisions.

  2. If there were ever an emergency where people required safe supplies quickly.

  3. Knowing which toxins existed would be helpful knowledge too.


Water Quality

Several studies have shown that when there are higher levels of bacteria in the tap water, people are more likely to get sick, withered infections like stomach bugs and campylobacteriosis (a type of food-borne illness.) This means investing time into finding out what's wrong could save your family from many doctor visits down the line!

The importance of water-quality testing cannot be understated, especially for those who live in an area where there may not always seem like enough natural resources or safe drinking options available at any given time - let alone daily.