EMF testing is a form of electromagnetic field emissions measurement that can be used as an effective and quick way to assess the health risks caused by high radiation levels. The EMFs are measured in milligauss, typically compared with 100 being very dangerous on standard measurements for radiofrequency exposure. Average readings will usually range from 10-20, but those who work around electrical equipment like power lines or have sensitive electronics near them might see more than 1000!

What exactly does EMF stand for?

It stands for Electromagnetic Field, which just so happens to be one aspect of Radio Frequency Emissions - another essential thing you may want to know about if your phone starts acting up when it's not supposed to.

EMF testing is a process that helps you assess the effect of EMFs on your health. This test will measure how many milligauss (mG) are around a particular area and determine if it disrupts electromagnetic waves in living organisms, such as plants or humans.

Frequencies can be found worldwide, from power lines to microwaves to cell phones. The main goal of an Emf Test is not only to identify levels but also to make sure these frequencies do not cause any disruptions with human cells- like cancerous tumors developing because their DNA has been affected by high-frequency radiation they were constantly exposed to growth phases.

Why do you need EMF Testing?

Imagine the horror of entering a new house, only to find it riddled with bugs and rats. Would you feel safe living in that environment? It doesn't seem like something most people would want as their home! The same logic can be applied when thinking about EMF testing; if we were looking for an apartment or a job site that was energetically polluted by hazardous electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs), how long do you think before our health starts deteriorating from prolonged exposure to them? What makes this such a concern is not just what's at stake-our well being, but also the fact that many people have no idea they're even exposed until later on down the line. Luckily there are steps available that enable us to stay informed, so we know.

Electromagnetic fields can be hazardous to your health if they are at a high enough intensity. Imagine the difference between being too close to an active electric fence or standing inside of it. EMF testing is crucial for keeping you and others safe around these hazards, especially since there are no warning signs like "high voltage" warnings on many power lines hanging overhead that emit large amounts of electromagnetic radiation every second!

Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) may not seem tangible. Still, as long as we have electricity running through wires in our walls, furniture with electrical components plugged into outlets all over them (our cell phones!), fluorescent lights buzzing away right next to us -, then we're surrounded by EMFs everywhere, including indoors! Contact us now to learn more.