Protect Your Home In Tucson, AZ Through EMF Testing With Test My Home

EMFs (electromagnetic fields) have been a contentious subject all throughout the United States in recent years, and this is partly because there are many privatized interests that have an incentive to keep the truth at bay about the potential health effects associated with low-level radiation.

What home and business owners in Tucson, Arizona need to understand is that EMFs and RFs (radio frequencies) do in fact post a whole array of health effects upon the human body and mind. What’s particularly alarming about these potential health effects is that the United States government has done little to nothing to regulate the biological harm of EMF radiation, but has solely focused upon thermal effects (body tissue heating).

The Test My Home EMF specialists are experts when it comes to understanding the ramifications of the countless scientific studies oriented around EMF radiation, and our own experiences helping countless households has shown us just how far the biological effects of EMF radiation can go.

Below we’ll be discussing the details of the health effects and symptoms associated with EMF exposure that you and your family should take very seriously.

And as always you can contact our team online to speak with an EMF specialist and learn more about how we can support your home in Tucson in terms of keeping your property safe and protected from all sorts of different EMF exposure.

Health Effects And Symptoms Associated With EMF Exposure

It’s first and foremost important to understand how EMFs are comprised of electric and magnetic fields, and that the combination of both electric and magnetic fields develops radio frequencies (RFs). RFs are the building blocks of our modern communications technology, and essentially every household device within your home will transmit varying levels of RF radiation through the air. Some of the most common household devices that have been proven to emit RF radiation include the following:

  • Cell phones

  • iPads and other tablets

  • Bluetooth devices

  • Laptops

  • Air Pods and other wireless headphones

  • TVs

  • Satellites

  • CB radios

  • Cordless phones

  • WiFi routers

  • Microwaves

  • And much, much more…

Each of these household appliances are considered to emit “low-level radiation”; and although these devices may not be as harmful as an X-ray, it still doesn’t mean that they can’t produce harmful biological effects on the human brain and body.

When it comes to electric fields, it’s important to understand that our body and entire nervous system functions through a constant communication of chemical and electrical signals. This subsequently means that electric fields exerted by devices will initiate a tangible force upon the human body, and these forces then induce unnatural currents throughout the body. Even at low exposure levels, the biological effects of electric fields are considerable. Some of the common health effects and symptoms that are connected to electric field exposure include the following:

  • Cancer

  • Weakened immune system

  • Fatigue

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Anxiety

  • Cell metabolism complications

  • A weakening of the body

  • Irritability

  • And much more…

Magnetic fields are a little bit different then electric fields, and this is because a device must be turned on and drawing direct power from an electrical source in order for a magnetic field to be present. What’s particularly alarming about magnetic field radiation is that it tends to get worse as electric consumption demand increases, and a common example of this would be when thousands of people living in a high-rise complex come home from work and start preparing their dinners all at the same time. Just like electric fields, there are countless magnetic fields found throughout the average household in Tucson, AZ; and some of the most concerning health effects and side effects associated with magnetic field exposure include the following:

  • Tumors and cancer

  • Inflammation

  • Hormone disorders

  • Sleep disorders

  • Childhood leukemia

  • Migraines

  • Heart, nerve and cardiovascular damages

  • Pain

  • Depression

  • Irritability

  • And much more…

Radio frequencies (RF) are as we mentioned above a combination of electric and magnetic fields, and RF radiation is what the vast majority of our household devices emit. The health effects of RF radiation have been a controversial issue for decades, but more peer-reviewed studies have come out in recent years about EMF exposure and how even low-level RF radiation from our devices can create a cumulative effect and ultimately pose much more serious radiation levels within our households.

It’s important for Tucson residents to understand how the debate over RF radiation has never simply been about whether or not RFs are dangerous, because it’s an absolute given that intense RFs can pose harmful biological effects upon the human body. What has been up for debate in recent years is the consensus on what safe levels of RF radiation are, and how long it’s ok for people to be exposed to these safe levels before detrimental health effects take place.

At Test My Home, we fully understand how confusing it may seem when you’re simply trying to keep you and your household safe from harmful EMF radiation levels. This is partly because EMF exposure is undoubtedly a confusing topic, and the unnecessary debate permeating throughout the scientific and tech communities only makes matters more convoluted for the average consumer.

And this is exactly why you should put your trust in EMF specialists that thoroughly understand this science and know not only how to test for these radiation levels, but also understand what these test results indicate in terms of you and your household’s overall health.

Reach Out To The EMF Specialists At Test My Home To Better Understand How Our Testing Services Can Support Your Home In Tucson, AZ

Test My Home has supported countless homes throughout Tucson and the entirety of Arizona when it comes to better understanding what their EMF radiation levels are, where they’re coming from, and how to go about remediating these issues in order to protect themselves and their long-term health.

We understand how you’re likely to have many questions and concerns about EMF radiation, so always feel free to contact us online to get in touch with our EMF experts and learn how we can protect you and your household in Tucson, Arizona.