Understanding The Importance Of EMF Inspection & Remediation At Your Home In Phoenix, AZ

There are all sorts of different electromagnetic radiation found throughout the world, and all of this energy found in nature stems from the sun. UV radiation is the most well known form of natural EMF that just so happens to be a major concern for everyone throughout the Phoenix Metro Area, but there are many other EMFs that can also pose serious threats to your health.

Our modern lives are full of a whole array of conveniences that we’re simply used to, but little to none of us understand how the conveniences found throughout our daily lives can actually be bad for our bodies and minds in the long run. Gadgets and devices like computers, cell phones, microwaves, Wi-Fi routers, wireless headphones and all sorts of other appliances actually emit invisible electromagnetic frequency (EMF) waves; and these EMF waves are something that you should be concerned about.

The EMF inspection and remediation specialists at Test My Home have known about the dangers of EMF radiation, and we also have come to understand just how widespread this radiation is throughout the entirety of Arizona and the whole United States.

The dangers of EMF radiation are still debated amongst many scientists, but a lot of these radiation specialists aren’t actively testing residential properties for EMF radiation like the Test My Home experts. What we’ve come to realize over the years is that EMF radiation is simply so widespread to the point that the vast majority of households can potentially have invisible health concerns that they’re not necessarily even aware of.

It certainly sounds scary, which is why we’re going to guide you through a comprehensive overview that takes a closer look into everything you need to know about our EMF inspections and remediation processes that we conduct throughout Phoenix.

And as always feel free to contact us online or call us at 208-656-7777 to get in touch with our team of EMF experts who will be more than happy to answer your questions/concerns as you prepare your Phoenix home for an EMF inspection and potentially a remediation process.

Common Types Of EMF Exposure

There are two main types of EMF exposure that Phoenix residents should be aware of, including ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation is also referred to as high-level radiation, whereas non-ionizing radiation can also be called low-level radiation.

Non-ionizing EMF radiation is largely considered to be mild, and all EMF specialists will agree that low-level radiation is considerably safer to a household. Some of the common household appliances that emit non-ionizing radiation include the following:

  • Wi-Fi router

  • Microwave ovens

  • Cell phones

  • Computers

  • Bluetooth devices

  • Power lines

  • In-floor/Ceiling heating

  • Heating pads and blankets

  • Electric beds

What’s important to understand is that more and more scientific bodies are coming out and expressing the truth about non-ionizing radiation found within regular household products, and it’s quite alarming. Non-ionizing radiation can actually pose health risks within a whole variety of scenarios, and this is mainly because our entire body and nervous system communicates via electrical and chemical signals.

So although many household products are considered to be “low-level radiation”, it doesn’t change the fact that these devices emit unnatural electric currents throughout the body. The impacts of these unnatural currents can be very detrimental, and we’ll discuss health impacts of EMF radiation further in below sections.

Ionizing radiation is considered to be high-level EMF radiation, and this more harmful form of radiation is largely considered to come in the form of natural UV light and within X-rays and other medical imaging solutions.

Many people think that they’re safe from EMFs because their household products are considered to be “low-level radiation”, but the truth is that many of us are constantly surrounding ourselves with non-ionizing EMF appliances to the point that the combination of all these devices within one specific room can accrue to more harmful radiation levels.

Health Effects Associated With EMF Radiation

Recent research by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has concluded that there are high possibilities of EMFs being carcinogenic to people, and many more studies are still being conducted in an effort to show potential links between cancer and EMF radiation.

The truth is that humans have only been exposed to consistent electromagnetic frequencies throughout modern history, and cell phones have only been around since the 1980s. This subsequently makes EMF exposure a relatively new scientific research field, but nevertheless we are continuing to see countless studies come out proving the link between low-frequency EMF radiation and all sorts of different psychiatric and neurological issues.

Some of the most common symptoms associated with exposure to EMF electric, magnetic and radiofrequency (RF) fields include the following:

  • Cancer

  • Sleeping troubles/Insomnia

  • Childhood leukemia

  • Hormone disorders

  • Nerve, heart and cardiovascular damage

  • Migraine headaches

  • Inflammation

  • Persistent fatigue

  • Anxiety

  • Irritability

  • Weakened immune system

  • Improper cell metabolism

  • And an overall weakening of the body

There’s absolutely no doubt about it that the above symptoms most likely sound familiar to yourself or people you know, and although everyone is unique it’s still safe to say that countless households have EMF emitting devices in every room.

This is exactly why it’s absolutely critical to be well-informed and understand the danger levels associated with EMF radiation, because keeping you and your household safe from EMFs is a challenge that requires a high level of awareness.

Danger Levels Associated With EMFs

The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) is one of the leading scientific entities within the EMF industry, and they’ve developed a very comprehensive set of guidelines to assist households in terms of understanding and avoiding EMF exposure. All of the guidelines found within the above link are the result of several years of rigorous research, so it’s safe to say that this commission is a reputable source of information for everyone in Phoenix and beyond.

The danger levels associated with EMFs are generally measured through a volts per meter (V/m) unit. The higher the volts per meter, the more the EMF may pose health effects on individuals.

Although the vast majority of electrical appliance manufacturers will test all of their products for EMF radiation, there are still many concerns that people should have about loopholes in these types of widespread safety precautions. A common example of EMF regulation slipping by the ICNIRP’s guidelines is through public utilities like cell towers, power lines and many other EMF sources that are solely the responsible of individual governments.

What Phoenix home and business owners should know about the danger levels of particular EMFs throughout their property is that EMF levels should be below the following (V/m) units:

  • Computer and TV screens: 10 V/m

  • Cell phone charging stations: 6 V/m

  • Microwaves: 14 V/m

  • Natural EMF fields (UV): 200 V/m

  • Radio transmitters: 6 V/m

The good news is that the EMF specialists from Test My Home are here to help you when it comes to effectively monitoring the EMF radiation levels throughout your property, and letting you know when you have a problem that needs to be addressed.

EMF Testing In Your Phoenix AZ Home

There are many different ways that our specialists will test your property for EMF radiation, and when it comes to electrical fields you can simply use common sense to guide you more intuitively. What you should know is that a device with an electrical field will emit energy to about a 6-8 foot radius. This also applies to any devices that are plugged into power outlets.

An inductive probe is a useful household tool to help home and business owners look for electrical fields throughout their property, and these devices will sense electrical fields and then convert this energy into a sound that you can hear and subsequently measure. Electric field meters are also really useful tools that our specialists will utilize that provide actual V/m readings.

When it comes to testing magnetic fields throughout your home, our experts will likely utilize a gauss meter or a clamp-on amp meter. There’s no doubt about it that these EMF testing procedures are very complex, which is why you should always put your trust in experienced industry specialists like our team.

Reach Out To The Test My Home Specialists To See If Your Phoenix AZ Home Is Experiencing Radiation Issues And Requires EMF Remediation

The Test My Home team has helped countless households and families better understand what EMF radiation is, and how it’s permeating throughout their properties. Although EMFs may seem like an invisible danger that are nearly impossible to avoid, there are plenty of precautionary steps that you can take to remediate the debilitating effects that these frequencies pose on our bodies and minds.

Reach out to us online or call us at 208-656-7777 to get in touch with our team of EMF experts and let us know how we can support your home in Phoenix with EMF testing and remediation services.