EMF testing is the process of measuring electromagnetic fields to identify possible sources. The EMF field varies depending on how close you are and what type of source it's coming from, so be sure to test a few different places before deciding there isn't anything nearby that could be causing interference with your devices. EMF testing is an electromagnetic field (EM) radiating from an electrical conductor, such as power lines and electric appliances. EMFs are also produced by natural sources like the Sun's rays that enter through windows or solar panels on your roof.
What does it all mean? Well, to start with, there are two types of Electromagnetic Fields: Natural and Man-made. We looked at the first artificial, which occurs when electricity flows in wires, cables, motors, etcetera. In contrast, Mother Nature has her way of producing them called "natural" where they come, for example, from the suns' UV radiation penetrating our buildings during summertime hours making us feel hot.
What Is The Importance of EMF Testing?
How are you feeling? Do I look alright to you right now? That is a question that many people ask themselves each day, but it's not always an easy question to answer. After all, how does anyone know they're doing well if there isn't some objective measurement available which can tell us for sure what we need and don't need at any given time in our lives. Luckily for those who want the best possible life outcomes without having to worry about their subjective judgment calls on their wellbeing, EMF Testing exists as one thing with this power - objectively measuring your current level of health so whether or not you feel like you're flourishing from head-to-toe doesn't matter when reality tells another story entirely.
Why Choose Us
The EMF testing service that we offer will help you identify any sources of electromagnetic pollution in your living space. We have over a decade's worth of experience identifying and mitigating these environmental hazards for individuals, schools, churches, businesses - even the military! Our team comprises industry-certified technicians who can test both residential and commercial spaces with ease. All signs point to us as being one step ahead when safeguarding our clients from harmful levels of radiation exposure. Unlike many other competitors out there who rely heavily on outdated equipment or unqualified field personnel, quality always takes precedence over convenience at Environmental Testing Services (ETS)." The EMF Testing Experts are the leading provider of electromagnetic hypersensitivity testing in Meridian!
EMF Testing is a complex process. If you don't know what to do, we're here for you. EMFs (you may have heard them called "electromagnetic fields") are all around us in various amounts and types of radiation - they can be generated by televisions, microwaves, ovens, or cell phones, as well as many other tools that surround our lives today. We were founded by a family with more than 100 years combined experience and have helped thousands find relief from symptoms caused by living near high-tech devices. Just call us to schedule an appointment today!